Tank Technology
OKO-select 29
The OKO-select tanks, specially designed for OKO systems, enable optimum physical separation of the three phases oil, water, and sludge thanks to their tricanter function and their design (small diameter, relatively high). The tanks with a nominal volume of 29 m³, are equipped with extensive sensor technology, which provides all relevant data for the control system of the physico-chemical treatment plant. Automated filling of the tanks and selective removal of the phases oil, sludge, and water is thus possible.

OKO-oiltank 29
The separated oils from the physico-chemical treatment plant are statically dewatered in the OKO-oil tank, nominal volume 29 m³. Its extensive sensor technology enables automated dewatering of the oil.
The OKO-sr agitator tanks are manufactured in volumes ranging from 1 to 40 m³. They can be made of plastics, steel, and stainless steel. Special designs are available on request. Effective agitators ensure intensive mixing of the tank contents. OKO-sr agitator tanks are an important component of physico-chemical treatment plants for heavy metal precipitation and flocculation.

The OKO-cwt tanks hold the purified clear water from the physico-chemical treatment plant. They serve as a buffer so that the clear water can be used as process water for cleaning purposes in wastewater treatment. The surplus water is fed into the indirect discharge system (sewerage system).

Polymer Preparation Units
The OKO-polydos polymer preparation units are used to prepare diluted flocculant solutions. Depending on the amount of wastewater and the required dosing quantity, manual or fully automatic preparation units are used for both liquid concentrates and powder flocculation aids.

Milk of Lime Preparation Units
The OKO-tech milk of lime preparation units consist of a lime silo for storing the hydrated white lime and an OKO-sr agitator tank for preparing the milk of lime in the desired concentration. The milk of lime is prepared automatically via the control system of the wastewater treatment plant. The sizes of the lime silo and the agitator tank are defined depending on the required quantities of milk of lime. For smaller quantities of wastewater, the milk of lime is transferred from delivered IBCs into the preparation tank; thus, a lime silo is not required.

Storage of Chemicals
Depending on the task, a wide variety of treatment chemicals are required for physico-chemical wastewater treatment. Acid and lye are required for neutralisation. Other treatment chemicals are used for emulsion breaking or flocculation. Organic demulsifiers and coagulants are used in the OKO-aquaclean flotation systems. The chemicals are stored in appropriately resistant containers on spill bunds. The fill level is monitored by continuous non-contact level measurement. If the level falls below the minimum, the operator is reminded to refill the dosing container.

Screen Walls for Dewatering the Discharge from Vacuum-Truck Tanks
During waste reception in physico-chemical treatment plants, some sediments remain in the truck tank after the liquid phase has been emptied via the OKO-rosi rotary screen. These remains are emptied into a dewatering basin after opening the rear tank lid, and the tank interior is cleaned with water. At the end of the basin, OKO-tech installs a vibratory screen wall, which ensures rapid dewatering of the discharged sludge.
In accordance with the requirements of the German TA Luft (Technical Instructions on Air Quality Control) as of 18 August 2021, emissions must be captured directly at the point of origin. The components in OKO-tech’s wastewater and waste treatment systems are of closed design and can be connected to an exhaust air system. Proven biofilters are used to clean the extracted exhaust air.